Gain Insight with Integrated Analytics for Tally Solutions!

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Gain Insight with Integrated Analytics for Tally Solutions!

Going Beyond the Numbers with SmartenApps for Tally!

Gain Insight with Integrated Analytics for Tally Solutions

The Tally® ERP Solution and its latest TallyPrime offering are popular accounting and finance related suite of modules that provides support for invoicing and accounting, inventory management, reports, credit and cash flow management, banking, cost control and analysis, payroll management and other finance-related activities.

Tally serves millions of users across industries in over 100 countries and supports a network of more than 28,000 partners, providing sales, support and services.

‘The SmartenApps for Tally approach provides value out-of-the-box with analytics, dashboards and reports.’

The Tally software solution suite has gained in popularity and is particularly popular among businesses in India. As the Tally team expands its market reach, it has added additional capabilities to better serve its clients. Among the most important new capabilities is the integration of augmented analytics to support business users in gather and analyzing data contained within the Tally modules.

The SmartenApps for Tally integration takes the Tally solution beyond data entry and basic reporting. Users can leverage familiar features and modules with integrated analytics to enable data-driven decisions and gain insight into issues, identify opportunities and solve problems, all within the environs of an intuitive dashboard, with key performance indicators (KPIs) to establish and manage metrics and pre-built reports to satisfy accounting and finance-related roles and needs.

Add Analytics to Tally Solutions for Results

Here are some of the benefits of SmartenApps for Tally analytical integration:

  • Users have near real-time access to recent transactions and data
  • Web and Mobile access allows for intuitive analysis 
  • Users can access the SmartenApps for Tally using web and native mobile app user experience
  • SmartenApps for Tally extends the office environment and allows for swift analysis and decisions from anywhere
  • SmartenApps for Tally is free to use for 30 days with simple, affordable licensing fees thereafter
  • Start-up is easy, within a few minutes
  • Support is readily available
  • No need for a separate analytical solution, that will require training, access credentials and a separate sign-on

The SmartenApps for Tally approach  provides value out-of-the-box with analytics, dashboards and reports that include an Overview, Sales & Purchase, Bank and Cash, Payables and Receivables, Inventory, Taxes, Cost Center, Ledger, Drill-Down, Accounts Statements, and Reports. All of these report templates are ready-to-use, with more pre-built reports released periodically.  

Business users with average technical skills can use SmartenApps for Tally to gain insight into data using value-added tools and features. 

The SmartenApps for Tally application is based on the Smarten Augmented Analytics product, which is accredited by Gartner and recognized for its intuitive, easy-to-use analytics, so the business and its users can be assured of dependable, world-class features, functionality and performance.

‘Tally serves millions of users across industries in over 100 countries and supports a network of more than 28,000 partners, providing sales, support and services.’

Find out how SmartenApps For Tally can support your users and improve results within your organization. Users can Download And Register for SmartenApps for Tally and use Tally data to analyze, explore and clarify.

4 BI Reporting Insights Achieved with Tally Analytics!

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4 BI Reporting Insights Achieved with Tally Analytics!

4 BI Reporting Insights Achieved with Tally Analytics

Many accounting and finance professionals use Tally ERP for data entry and reporting. If a business adds analytics to the Tally ERP environment, it can provide user-friendly augmented analytics that will optimize resources, increase productivity and add value to the business and the user by offering insight into the mountain of data contained within the Tally solution modules.

This article discusses four (4) examples of insight gleaned from adding built-in reporting and augmented analytics to the business accounting and finance software solution.

Banking and Cash Management

This report allows users to search for and understand trends and patterns in banking and cashflow. Business users can search for a particular time period and compare that time period to comparable historical periods. Identifying trends and patterns in cashflow and banking can provide valuable information and alert the business to issues that may affect the ability to apply for funding, the capacity of the business to make investments, fund new projects, etc.

Banking and Cash Management

Sales and Purchasing

Business users can explore sales to date, and examine monthly, quarterly and yearly trends and key performance indicators (KPIs). The business can analyze sales, identify top customers and detail sales registers. These trends can help sales managers identify top sales staff and techniques, where to market and which customers to target. Purchasing managers can identify trends and anticipate the need for supplies to satisfy demand.

Sales and Purchasing

Payables and Receivables

Accountants routinely use payables and receivables to highlight business issues. With built-in reports to analyze payables and receivables, accountants can take analysis to the next level, break down payables and receivables by creditors and debtors, by product, by service and/or components and look for trends for overdue collections, invoicing issues, potential customer or client defaults based on previous payment history, etc.

Payables and Receivables

Inventory Management

Inventory management is crucial to business success. Carrying and warehousing an overage of inventory costs money. Running short on inventory of supplies or products costs the business in prospective sales. Built-in reports for Inventory Management allow business users to analyze inventory to identity current shortages or overages and to use trends to anticipate where future issues may arise. Users can explore overstock and understock to look for wholesale opportunities or identity targets for product discounts to move inventory, and they can explore issues and opportunities for products, shipping and distribution.

Inventory Management

In this article, we explored four of the many benefits and features the business will enjoy by adding integrated augmented analytics and built-in reporting for business and professional use.

These are just a few of the reasons for integrating augmented analytics with Tally ERP. If you want to get more value out of your Tally ERP solution and optimize your resources and professional efforts, Contact Us for more information on SmartenApps For Tally.  For more information about integrating Augmented Analytics with Tally ERP, visit our Blog.

Help Your Clients AND Yourself with Analytics for Tally ERP!

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Help Your Clients AND Yourself with Analytics for Tally ERP!

If You Work with Numbers, You Need Analytics!

Analytics Can Take Tally ERP to the Next Level

When you tell someone you work in a finance-related position, their eyes might glaze over. They picture you ‘counting beans’. Whether you work in inventory management, purchasing, accounting, enterprise finance or any other related position, your job can seem mysterious (and even boring) to many people. But, yours is the lifeblood of the organization.

If the business does not understand its expenses, where and how it generates revenue, who its most important customers are, where it can save money on suppliers and supply chain, how to manage inventory, how to avoid expensive tax issues and messy statutory and regulatory reporting mistakes – well, all of those things relate to money, don’t they? And money is what makes the organization run (or fail).

As a numbers and money manager, you will doubtless use a software solution like Tally ERP. These solutions manage finance-related, accounting and other functions by enabling data entry and reporting. But, what if you could go beyond this simple day-to-day workflow, take all that data contained in the system and analyze it to spot trends, issues and opportunities and to truly understand what is going on, what if you could report across modules and do so in a way that produces insightful information rather than columns of data you have to explain to your clients and colleagues?

What true nuggets of information are hidden in that data, beneath the surface, or on the other side of the organization? What if you could add value to your organization, and to your own role in the enterprise by providing advice and counsel instead of numbers?

Analytics Can Take Tally ERP to the Next Level

With the right integrated analytical tools, you CAN do all of that and more with key performance indicators (KPIs), ledger, shipping and distribution, cost center, and banking support and more. If you are a Tally user, you can leverage powerful analytical tools to add value to your organization and take a proactive role in results. AND, your business can evaluate the solution for free. Find out more about SmartenApps For Tally analytics. Contact Us to today to find out how SmartenApps for Tally can help you achieve your goals.

4 Critical Features to Ensure Success with Mobile Analytics for Tally ERP!

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4 Critical Features to Ensure Success with Mobile Analytics for Tally ERP!

4 Critical Features to Ensure Success with Mobile Analytics for Tally ERP

The Tally ERP Solution is very popular with business users – accountants, finance professionals, inventory and purchasing managers and others. To take Tally to the next level, many organizations are integrating augmented analytics to enable insight, make fact-based decisions and allow accounting and finance professionals to add more value by making accurate, concise recommendations and suggestions to clients and team members so that the business can control expenses, understand and manage tax implications, improve supplier networks and purchasing workflow and optimize other processes.

In this article, we discuss four critical features to consider when integrating analytics with Tally ERP.

Designed for Business Users

The tools you provide for your business users should include Augmented Analytics, Business Intelligence and Reporting Integrated with the Tally ERP solution for easy access and intuitive use.  Users want easy-to-use tools that provide sophisticated insight into data using a myriad of value-added tools and features. Look for features that offer the ability to build a ‘story’ and review data in clear, concise visualization, dynamic charts and graphs, modern business intelligence features, and key performance indicators (KPIs) metrics to help you sustain a competitive edge.

Accessible from Within and Outside the Office

Today’s team members often work outside the office. They will want access to Tally ERP and to integrated analytics from desktops inside the walls of the office, from native mobile applications via Cloud server to fetch and display required data, graphs and reports and seamless security and privacy protection via web interface with built-in reporting available from anywhere.

Provides Comprehensive, Built-in Reporting

Your business professionals have a variety of needs. Look for built-in reporting that is designed for easy access and is formatted and available for any user so the accountant, finance pro, purchasing managers and others can choose the reports that are right for them and gain valuable insight into data across the enterprise. Overview Reports for Sales, Purchasing, Payables and Receivables, Income and Expenses, Cash and Banking, Duties, Taxes, Monthly Trends, Top and Bottom Analytics, Contribution Analysis, Cost Center Analysis, Ledgers, Account Statements, Tax and Statutory Reports, and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are important components of the most comprehensive picture of your business.

Offers User-Friendly Access to Analytics

Your business users do not want to learn a complex, augmented analytics software system with complicated features and analytical techniques. They want easy access to integrated analytics so they can quickly and easily perform analytics without a lot of training and effort. Remember, the accounting or finance professional is interested, first and foremost, in the data contained in the Tally environs. When you can integrate analytics and Tally ERP data, you give your users the tools to make confident decisions, improve workflow and business processes and help users add value to your business as professional consultants who bring together their professional knowledge, the data contained in the Tally ERP system and the analytics you need to understand and manage results.

4 Critical Features to Ensure Success with Mobile Analytics for Tally ERP

These are just a few of the considerations for integrating augmented analytics with Tally ERP. If you want to get more value out of your Tally ERP solution and optimize your resources and professional efforts, Contact Us for more information on SmartenApps For Tally.  For more information about integrating Augmented Analytics with Tally ERP, visit our Blog.

Add Analytics to Tally ERP and Watch What Happens!

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Add Analytics to Tally ERP and Watch What Happens!

Accountants and Finance Pros: Get the Most out of Tally ERP with Analytics!

Analytics Makes Tally ERP More Than Financial Software

What’s your role? Maybe you are an accounting professional, or a financial manager, or maybe you are a sales manager, someone in charge of purchasing for your business, or the person who manages inventory. No matter your role, if you deal with budget, overspending, supply shortages or any other aspect of the business affecting the budget, funding, spending and revenue, you know how important it is to stay on top of things.

If your business uses Tally ERP solutions, you may be entering data, printing and distributing reports, using the information in the system to track inventory and purchasing or, just about anything else. But, the problem with data is that it can often hide crucial trends and facts. You can see the columns and the numbers, you can print the statutory reports, but you can’t always apply your years of professional knowledge to that mound of data to spot issues or to help your colleagues or clients identify the next big thing.

Analytics Makes Tally ERP More Than Financial Software

Where are the opportunities? How can you use your limited resources to best leverage your products, your customer base, your competitive position? If you work with numbers in accounting or a finance-related position, you can add value by adding analytics to your Tally ERP solution. With built-in analytics that offer out-of-the-box reporting you can manage sales, purchasing, payables and receivables, income and expenses, cash and bank, duties and taxes, monthly trends and other categories and factors, using top to bottom analysis, contribution analysis and key performance indicators (KPIs) so you are managing with facts. You can explore sales and identify top customers, you can illustrate banking and cash results and compare historical time periods (all without having to dump data into an Excel spreadsheet), and make decisions based on fact-based analytics. You can spot trends in overdue collections, analyze inventory shortages, suppliers and shipping and distribution, and examine taxes, estimated tax obligations, cost centers and ledgers, account statements and reports that allow you to drill down and slice and dice by vendor product, service, cost, sales person, location, customer, inventory, purchasing, and more.

The benefit to you and to your clients and colleagues is a new kind of insight, going beyond data entry and dry, columnar reporting. Using clear visualization, dynamic charts and graphs and modern business intelligence tools, you can leverage KPIs and analytics to gain a competitive edge and add value and visibility for your individual position and your team.  

If you are a Tally user, you can leverage powerful analytical tools to add value to your organization and take a proactive role in results. AND, your business can evaluate the solution for free. Find out more about SmartenApps For Tally analytics. Contact Us to today to find out how SmartenApps for Tally can help you achieve your goals.

Combine Tally ERP and Analytics and Be Proactive!

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Combine Tally ERP and Analytics and Be Proactive!

Can Adding Analytics to Tally ERP Help My Accounting and Finance Professionals?

If you are an accountant or a finance professional, you may be frustrated by the fact that your seat at the table often comes too late in the game for you to make a difference. If your role is limited to statutory reporting or producing reams of columns and reports for business colleagues and then trying to explain them, if your ability to affect a problem in a timely manner is limited, if you are always seeing the real picture in the rear view mirror, you might want to think about integrating analytics within your accounting and finance solution.

For Tally ERP solutions users, this addition is much easier today. Business users can leverage the Tally ERP solution AND produce out-of-the-box reports that will provide insight into trends and patterns, and analytical views that allow you, as a business professional, to intelligently assess what is happening without having to guess at what WILL happen.

Why is data analytics important? What could data tell you if you could see it in near real time?

Your team can use Sales and Purchasing, Bank and Cash, Payable and Receivable, Inventory, Tax, Cost Center, Ledger, Account Statements, Drill Down, KPIs, Reports and Overviews to find data and to gain insight into what is really going on in the business – and you can use that data to recommend actions and advise your colleagues and clients. Seamless search options and text searches throughout the Tally app allow you to gather information and see it in a way that is meaningful to you, so you aren’t just doing data entry and reporting. You can find behavioral patterns, employ continuous monitoring and answer complicated tax questions and you can assess investment scenarios. You will be actively participating in business decisions. This proactive involvement will help to ensure improved productivity and to mitigate missteps and backtracking in the business.

It will make your job easier and more rewarding AND it will improve business results and provide the visibility and the seat at the table that your professional and business function deserves.

If you are a Tally user, you can leverage powerful analytical tools to add value to your organization and take a proactive role in results. AND, your business can evaluate the solution for free. Find out more about SmartenApps For Tally analytics. Contact Us to today to find out how SmartenApps for Tally can help you achieve your goals.

3 Ways Business Users Can Benefit from Tally Mobile Analytics!

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3 Ways Business Users Can Benefit from Tally Mobile Analytics!

3 Ways Business Users Can Benefit from Tally Mobile Analytics

Tally ERP Solutions are popular with users, especially in India. Whether you are an accounting, finance, purchasing or other related professional, you are probably using this software for data entry and reporting. These tools are an integral part of your day and your role. In this article, we discuss, three of the ways in which business users can benefit from adding mobile analytics to the Tally environment.

Providing Critical Insight

No matter what role you play in your organization, it is sometimes hard to use the data you enter or the data in your reports to gain any meaningful insight. You may be able to draw some simple conclusions (like increases vs. decreases in revenue) but to spot trends, patterns, issues or opportunities, you might need to engage the expertise of a data scientist, an analyst or an IT professional. These individuals can take information from your system and drop it into an Excel spreadsheet or an analytical system and will, hopefully, be able to provide crucial information to support your decisions. In a perfect world, business users can leverage their own domain and industry knowledge to test theories, hypothesize and report in a way that tells a story and leads them to make confident decisions. Integrating analytics with the Tally solution allows the professional to take the data already in the system and use pre-built reports and tools to dive deep into data and create a picture of the business that will provide real insight into how the business is doing. These data-driven explorations allow users to identify issues before they create a real problem and to use information to move the business forward.

Adding Value to Your Role

If you are an accounting or finance-related professional, you can use integrated analytics to take the data in the Tally ERP system to the next level. By understanding the issues and gaining insight you can add value in your practice and in advising your clients. Going beyond data entry and statutory reporting allows you to make recommendations that will provide real value to your clients and colleagues and will expand your role and enhance your professional visibility and reputation. When a business user can leverage sophisticated analytics in a simple environment, there is no need for additional training. Your own professional expertise is leveraged and combined with the data to provide real insight and allow you to quickly and easily add value by drawing the right conclusions and leading your clients and colleagues to the most effective decision.

Improving Collaboration

With integrated analytical tools, all accounting and finance professionals can work within their own role AND collaborate with others to achieve a comprehensive picture of the business, its investments, its tax obligations, its product results, the efficiency of its supplier network, the efficacy of its purchasing strategy and more. Rather than focusing on an individual aspect of business results, and limiting your vision to a single ‘silo’, your professional teams can work together to create and manage a complete picture of the business that will optimize investments, revenue and resources.

3 Ways Business Users Can Benefit from Tally Mobile Analytics

This article describes three of the many reasons a business should consider integrating analytics with the Tally ERP solution to improve results and streamline workflow, supplier networks, tax planning and other related activities.

If you are a Tally user and you wish to explore the benefits of analytics for your professional team, start here: SmartenApps For Tally. For more information about Tally analytics for accounting and financial applications, visit our Blog.

4 Benefits of Mobile Analytics for Tally ERP Solution!

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4 Benefits of Mobile Analytics for Tally ERP Solution!


If your business is using Tally ERP, your team members have access to tools that support their roles in every aspect of accounting and finance. Whether a user is focused on purchasing, inventory and supply chain, accounting and statutory reporting, finance and investment or any one of a number of other disciplines, Tally Solutions are designed to enable data entry, data organization and reporting.

In this article, we review four of the benefits the business will enjoy by adding augmented analytics to the Tally environment and how the integration of augmented analytics can provide additional tools, insight and value to the organization and make your team members more efficient and effective.

Augmented Analytics is a term coined by Gartner analysts to describe a data analytics approach that leverages machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) to provide simple tools for business users and streamline and democratize the analytical process so that every team member can have access to business intelligence and analytics for decision-making.

Go Beyond Data Entry

The typical accounting and finance professional uses Tally for data entry. Entering and tracking data in a single system allows users and managers to see reports that reflect the current state of the business. By adding augmented analytics to the tools available to your team, you support users and empower them to use their industry and domain knowledge to explore and find ‘nuggets’ of data that will help them make decisions and, more importantly, allow them to go beyond simple data entry and reporting to provide valuable advice and recommendations to the management team. Sifting through traditional reports and trying to ‘see’ the real story is often difficult in a traditional accounting and finance system. With integrated augmented analytics, users can theorize and discover answers and use that information to improve outcomes.

Reduce Guesswork and Opinion

At the end of the day, a team member can print reports, pour over data and highlight areas for improvement or perhaps an area they think might represent an opportunity for the business. But, if the data is not presented in true analytical form, team members may draw incorrect conclusions or leverage incomplete information to make a decision. Every person has a bias or an opinion and, while that position may be based on years of experience, we are living in an ever-changing world and business and markets are also changing. So, the conclusions they draw may be flawed if they are based solely on their own experience. With augmented analytics, users can produce graphical representations and tell a story, using data that will lead them to make decisions and recommendations based on metrics and facts.

Encourage Continuous Improvement

When a business makes the decision to integrated augmented analytics into the Tally environment, and provides access to those tools to business users, it can also engender a culture of continuous improvement and encourage team members to explore, discover and use real data and metrics to find ways to improve business processes, identify supplier issues, inventory process changes, and possible tax issues or challenges – all before these trends and patterns become a crucial issue. By encouraging users to go beyond data entry and truly leverage data and metrics to manage the business, the organization can become more agile, engender continuous improvement and ensure that every users is contributing to business success as a vital member of the team.

Improve Time to Market

Your competitors are using augmented analytics in every corner of the organization. When you consider your own business analytics needs, remember that accountants, finance, purchasing managers, inventory professionals and other related roles play a key role in controlling expenses and generating revenue. To be successful today, your business must find those hidden opportunities and issues, wring every drop out of expenses and leverage a myriad of techniques to generate and keep revenue. Identifying when and how to enter the market, how to improve the quality and efficiency of the supply chain, how to capitalize on sales and customer payments and use data and information in creative ways to improve time to market for new products, price points, customer engagement, tax implications, purchasing processes etc.


These are just a few of the benefits your business will enjoy by integrating augmented analytics with the Tally ERP accounting and finance solution suite.

If your business is using Tally and you want to take your results to the next level, consider SmartenApps For Tally, a solution that provides value out-of-the-box with analytics, dashboards and reports that include an Overview, Sales & Purchase, Bank and Cash, Payables and Receivables, Inventory, Taxes, Cost Center, Ledger, Drill-Down, Accounts Statements, and Reports. For more information about Augmented Analytics and its application in accounting, finance and for Tally, visit our Blog.

Can Integrated Analytics Help Tally ERP Users?

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Can Integrated Analytics Help Tally ERP Users?

Integrate Sophisticated Analytics and User-Friendly Tools with Tally ERP!


Tally ERP business users are familiar with the tools and modules provided and use these tools daily for accounting, inventory control, purchasing and supplier management tasks and finance-related activities. Users perform data entry and reporting. But, what if your business users could take the information within this system and use it to spot trends, identify patterns, make recommendations and suggestions to the business units and add crucial value in managing every aspect of expenses, revenue and tax implications within the business environment?

By integrating easy-to-use analytics with Tally, the average business users can enjoy built-in tools and in-depth reporting and go beyond standard, restrictive reports to gain insight into those issues that will become problems and into the opportunities that will help the business to expand, streamline and become more competitive and productive.

These tools are not designed for data scientists. They are designed for professionals who wish to combine their industry and career knowledge with sophisticated analytical tools in a user-friendly technology environment. The purpose of the tools is to elevate the value of the Tally ERP solution and to engender collaboration and a focus on the more strategic, operational and targeted use of data to make fact-based decisions and to sift through the data to find those important nuggets of information that will drive business success.


If you are a Tally user, you can leverage powerful analytical tools to add value to your organization and take a proactive role in results. Your business can evaluate the solution for free. Find out more about SmartenApps For Tally analytics. Contact Us to today to find out how SmartenApps for Tally can help you achieve your goals.

Improve Your Team Value with Analytics for Tally Solutions!

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Improve Your Team Value with Analytics for Tally Solutions!

Are You Using Tally Solutions? Add Value by Integrating Augmented Analytics!


As a corporate accounting professional or an enterprise financial professional, purchasing manager, inventory manager or any other team member working in a financial capacity in an organization, you can make a difference! You may think that your impact is limited to ensuring correct data entry, providing statutory reports and perhaps pointing out budget overruns or other day-to-day issues.

If you are using a Tally ERP solution, your team can include augmented analytics as an integrated tool that will overlay your modules and allow you to gather, combine and analyze data to gain insight into trends, patterns, problems looming on the horizon or opportunities to improve supply chain, inventory controls, investments, etc.

Your role as a team member can be proactive. With the right information, you can spot issues and collaborate with other professionals on the team to create a comprehensive approach to workflow and approval processes that will improve results, control costs and allow managers and executives to sleep better at night!


Augmented Analytics tools allow business users with average technical skills to see and create reports for sales, purchasing, payables, receivables, income and expenses, cash and bank, duties and taxes with top and bottom analysis, contribution analysis and key performance indicators (KPIs). Users can analyze monthly sales, identify top customers and see detailed sales registers, and can compare results from previous periods and reveal trends and patterns in banking and cash. Without the assistance of IT or data scientists, you can breakdown payables and receivables by creditors, debtors, products, services and collections and analyze inventory for shortfalls or overages. There are tools to allow you to examine taxes, estimate upcoming tax obligations, and to analyze cost center balances and associated ledgers, including entries and balances and drill-down to voucher level. Accountants can leverage statutory tools for balance sheets, trial balance, profit and loss and there are other reports and drill-down tools that allow users to slice and dice by vendor, product, service, cost, sales person, location, customer, inventory, purchase, etc.

If you are a Tally user, you can leverage these powerful tools to add value to your organization and take a proactive role in results. AND you can evaluate the solution for free, and determine the business benefits. Find out more about SmartenApps for Tally analytics. Contact Us to today to find out how SmartenApps for Tally can help you achieve your goals.